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October 7, 2023
06:32 a.m.
Hamas instigates a surprise attack on sourhtern Israel.
Naama sleeping at Kibbutz Nahal Oz is awakened by the chaotic sound of the missle barrage, alongst with her friends she takes shelter in the safe room.
06:56 a.m.
Hamas instigates a surprise attack on sourhtern Israel.
Naama sleeping at Kibbutz Nahal Oz is awakened by the chaotic sound of the missle barrage, alongst with her friends she takes shelter in the safe room.
12:58 a.m.
A short video by #Hamasisis terrorists surfaces online, depicting Naama as a hostage: handcuffed, injured and terrified. The video goes viral, this is the last time any information has emerged regarding Naama's whereabouts.
Naama's Story
She was raised on values of tolerance, acceptance, equality, freedom, social justice… As a young girl, Naama participated in a “Hands of Peace” delegation, which brings together young Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians and nurtures young leaders to promote values of mutual understanding and the pursuit of peace as a lever for creating social-global change.
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